Solid wood furniture purchase skills

Solid wood furniture purchase skills

Solid wood furniture is more and more favored by consumers because of its environmental protection, durable, beautiful and other advantages. However, in the process of purchasing solid wood furniture, if you do not understand some basic knowledge and skills, it is easy to step on the pit, spend money can not buy a good product. Today, we will talk about the purchase of solid wood furniture skills, so that you in the purchase process less detours, easy to buy to the desired solid wood furniture.

Understand the basic knowledge of solid wood furniture
Solid wood furniture can be divided into pure solid wood furniture and solid wood veneer furniture. Pure solid wood furniture refers to all parts are made of solid wood furniture, and solid wood veneer furniture refers to the surface of the furniture using solid wood veneer, the internal structure may use other materials. In the purchase, should try to choose pure solid wood furniture, its environmental protection and durability is better.

There are many kinds of wood for solid wood furniture, such as mahogany, teak, walnut, oak and so on. Different wood texture, color, price, etc. are different. In the purchase, should be based on their own needs and budget, choose the right wood; The process of solid wood furniture mainly includes mortise and tenon structure, carving, inlay and so on. Good solid wood furniture is exquisite and the details are handled properly, which can ensure the service life and beauty of the furniture.

Buy solid wood furniture skills
High quality solid wood furniture surface wood grain clear, natural, and unified color. When purchasing, you can carefully observe the wood grain on the surface of the furniture to see if there are flaws, cracks or color differences, in order to judge the quality of the furniture; Good solid wood furniture surface smooth, feel comfortable. In the purchase, you can personally touch the surface of the furniture, feel its texture, and check whether the furniture has burrs and bumpy places.

When purchasing solid wood furniture, it is necessary to carefully check the structure of the furniture to see whether the mortise and tenon structure is used, and whether the connection of the furniture is tight. In addition, you can also shake the furniture, check its stability, good solid wood furniture stability is good, not easy to shake; High quality solid wood furniture will emit a light wood fragrance. When purchasing, you can get close to the furniture and smell it gently, if the furniture emits a pungent smell, it may use inferior materials or chemical treatment.

When purchasing solid wood furniture, it is necessary to understand the after-sales service of the business, such as warranty period, return policy and so on. Choose a business with good after-sales service, you can be more assured in the purchase process. In this cold winter, create a warm and comfortable home environment for yourself and your family, and enjoy the good time brought by solid wood furniture.

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